
Contemplations on the human/tech interface.

Accounting and Coding: Future-Ready Accounting Firms

I recently made a career change, moving from a role as a Senior Consultant within an accounting firm’s Advisory division into that of a Software Engineer after spending time...

Matthew Tapps
1 Mar, 2024 | 4 min read

Building skills in platform teams: Part 1 - Product Management

This blog stems from some frustrating experiences I’ve endured when working in supposed ‘platform teams’. Most of these frustrations stemmed from how the...

Kirsty McDonald
7 Aug, 2023 | 6 min read

You don't need a tool you need a wiki

How many times have you worked in teams where it felt like you were barely keeping the ship afloat? Where there was so much unplanned work coming into the team, you were just spending your days responding...

Kirsty McDonald
21 Jul, 2023 | 7 min read

Scaling Application Containers -
ECS vs Kubernete

One of the magic parts of working with cloud platforms is their ability to autoscale. You want more resources? Here, pay us more money and you can have some! This makes the...

Kirsty McDonald
14 Jul, 2023 | 7 min read

DEIB committees -
Not just a nice to have, a must have

Many organisations adopt group thinking through committee models, to explore and create frameworks on an array of topics required to support organisational...

Ebony Worth
15 Jun, 2023 | 4 min read

What does it mean to be technical?

What does it mean to be 'technical' in the world of technology today? Sometimes when you're introduced to or meet someone for the first time they state "I work in technology, but I'm not technical". It doesn't always have to be...

Kirsty McDonald
10 May, 2023 | 4 min read

Using EventBridge to monitor your AWS environment

There’s a lot going on in your company’s AWS accounts. You are likely using 10’s, if not 100’s, of services. Hopefully it’s all deployed as infrastructure as code, but that doesn’t help...

Kirsty McDonald
4 Apr, 2023 | 4 min read

Credentials as Code (CaC)

Credentials, tokens, and API keys are the backbone of today moden software designs. However, I have seen cases where organisations tend to ignore recommended security practices for storing these...

Bhushan Manekar
28 Mar, 2023 | 6 min read

Stakeholder Mapping – the key to effective decision making

One of the first tasks we commonly undertake when engaging with a new client is to create a stakeholder map. We’re going to outline why this is such a crucial and effective exercise...

Kim Spillman
30 Jan, 2023 | 3 min read

Marching to the beat of one’s constraint
Introduction to Theory of Constraints Pt 2 - Drum Buffer Rope

Productivity is a measure of outputs, not a measure of work in process - being productive is not the same as being busy...

Matthew Morgan
24 Nov, 2022 | 5 min read

Feedback Club: Why it is nothing like Fight Club but can still change the world.

Feedback has a horrible reputation, well earned from conversations where the parties are uncomfortable and the subject matter generally even more uncomfortable...

Lee Warlow
24 Nov, 2022 | 5 min read

5 tips for effective load testing

As someone who is passionate about building scalable and resilient systems, understanding how these systems respond to demand and different usage patterns is incredibly important to the work I do...

Kirsty McDonald
30 Sept, 2022 | 6 min read

Three crucial steps for securing your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Security is one of those aspects that is often neglected during an initial phase of architecting your cloud infrastructure. Cloud computing has certainly made it convenient to spin-up...

Bhushan Manekar
15 Sept, 2022 | 4 min read

How to get Cloudformation Events available in your CI/CD pipeline

I want to look at a long-standing problem that still persists in many Platform, DevOps, and Development teams today. Deploying infrastructure on AWS as code is...

Kirsty McDonald
16 Aug, 2022 | 5 min read

3 tips for quickly learning the basics of a programming language or framework

I am primarily a DevOps Engineer and like to dabble in Python when I have a project to work on. Recently I've been taking on engagements that are more development-oriented...

Vasin Pether
13 Jul, 2022 | 4 min read

5 ways to easily optimise your cloud costs

Thanks to cloud computing, scaling your infrastructure today is only a click of a button away. Cloud platforms, such as AWS and Azure, have allowed businesses to expand across the globe at increasing speed, and part of that...

Ash Sujathan
13 Jul, 2022 | 5 min read

You are only as agile as your biggest constraint – Introduction to the Theory of Constraints

The pace of technological advancement is rapidly increasing, and so too are the changing needs and expectations of our clients...

Matthew Morgan
30 Jun, 2022 | 7 min read

How SLOs can help your team become more proactive with mitigating customer problems

On our client engagements, we’ve seen Service Level Objectives (SLOs) act as a guiding north star for tech teams. They can improve decision making, enhance cohesion between...

Benny Lo
22 Mar, 2022 | 8 min read

Using AWS Athena and CloudTrail to shape permissions for a Machine Account

Here at Midnyte City, we’re finding that a lot of our clients are in a similar situation- in the rush to move to the cloud, they have been left with weakened security, and open to potential...

Chris Copeland
21 Feb, 2022 | 8 min read

Key considerations for DevOps teams when adopting Infrastructure as Code

How to make decisions around what tooling and approaches your teams should take when adopting Infrastructure as Code.

Kirsty McDonald
22 Nov, 2021 | 6 min read

Human centred software delivery

The prevailing software development methodology of the time was waterfall. One of the major pitfalls of waterfall being the lack of feedback loops throughout the development process.

Henrik Axelsson
18 May, 2021 | 3 min read

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