Past Event

Agile Australia
Co-Creating a human-centric company

14-15 August, 2023

This session is for leaders (and aspiring leaders) who build teams and organisations.

Hannah Browne will share how Midnyte City has empowered the entire team to craft and shape how the business functions. This novel model, giving Midnyte Citizens hands-on opportunities to research, define and implement how the organisation operates by opting in to initiatives aligned to their strengths and interests.

The approach, inspired by the governance model of working groups and subcommittees, was designed to endow each team with real world experience to define and implement various aspects of the growing business. The self-organising teams affect communication flows and ways of working, functioning as the engine that guides Midnyte City through the adoption of right-sized frameworks, models, processes and approaches. Most importantly, each initiative equips the team with the experience they want to gain building a business, aligned to passions and interests. Truly co-creating a human-centric company.

From corporates to startups, hierarchical or bureaucratic organisations to flat nimble structures and the scale-ups in between, you will leave this talk with a fresh perspective, new model to test and practical take-aways for fostering engaged teams, reducing attrition and adapting rapidly to new challenges and opportunities.

Virtual Event

This event will now be run virtually due to Victoria’s 4th lockdown.


Monday 21st June 2021


6pm - 8pm


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